Square Feet to Acre

Area Converter

About Square Feet

Square Feet (often abbreviated as sq ft or ft²) is a unit of area commonly used in the United States, Canada, and other countries that follow the imperial system. It is defined as the area of a square with sides that measure one foot in length. Square Feet is widely used for measuring the floor area of buildings, plots of land, and other large spaces.

  • Usage: Real estate listings, architectural plans, home improvement projects, and land measurement.
  • Formula: 1 Square Foot = 12 inches × 12 inches = 144 square inches.
  • Context: Typically, smaller plots of land or interior spaces like rooms and offices are measured in Square Feet.

Unit Calculators

About Acre

The Acre is a larger unit of area commonly used in agriculture, forestry, and large-scale land transactions. It is part of the imperial system but is also recognized in the metric system.

  • Usage: Agricultural land, large estates, and rural properties.
  • Formula: 1 Acre = 43,560 Square Feet.
  • Context: Acre is a preferred unit when dealing with large land areas. In many countries, land ownership and agricultural areas are often described in Acres.

How to Convert/Calculate Square Feet to Acre

Converting Square Feet to Acres is straightforward, but it’s important to use the correct formula to ensure accuracy.

  • Conversion Formula:

Acres = Square Feet/43,560

This formula comes from the fact that one Acre equals 43,560 Square Feet.

  • Steps to Convert:

    1. Take the total number of Square Feet.
    2. Divide this number by 43,560.
    3. The result is the equivalent area in Acres.

This method works for any size of land, whether you are dealing with a small garden or a large agricultural field.

Example of Conversion

Let’s consider a practical example to illustrate how to convert Square Feet to Acres.

  • Example:
    Suppose you have a piece of land that is 87,120 Square Feet. How many Acres is this?

  • Calculation:

Acres = 87,120 Square Feet/ 43,560 = 2 Acres

Therefore, a plot of land measuring 87,120 Square Feet is equivalent to 2 Acres.

This example highlights the simplicity of the conversion process, allowing you to quickly understand the scale of a property in terms that are more relatable for large areas.

Table For Convert Square Feet to Acre

Here’s a quick reference table that converts Square Feet to Acres for small plots ranging from 1 to 10 Square Feet:

Square Feet (sq ft) Acre


0.00002296 Acres


0.00004592 Acres


0.00006888 Acres


0.00009183 Acres


0.00011479 Acres

Square Feet (sq ft) Acre


0.00013775 Acres


0.00016071 Acres


0.00018367 Acres


0.00020662 Acres


0.00022958 Acres

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