Land Area Converter

Area Converter

Unit Calculators

Land Area Calculator

When it comes to measuring land, a land area calculator is an essential tool for converting various units with ease. Given the diverse land measurement units across India, such a calculator is invaluable for finding equivalent measurements. Let’s delve into the most commonly searched conversion units for a land area calculator.

Top Conversion Units for Land Area Calculator

1. Square Feet

Square feet, often written as sq.ft. or ft², represent an area of a square with each side measuring one foot. This unit is standard across Indian cities and is also used in countries like the US, UK, Canada, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Hong Kong, Ghana, Singapore, and Malaysia. Whether you’re buying property or planning construction, square feet are a universally recognized measurement.

2. Square Meter

The square meter (sq.m. or m²) is the international standard for measuring two-dimensional spaces like floors or land plots. One square meter equals an area with each side measuring one meter. It’s important to remember that doubling the linear dimensions of a property results in a fourfold increase in area. This unit is widely used in real estate and construction industries worldwide.

3. Hectare

The hectare (ha) is a metric unit of area commonly used for large land parcels. While the acre is also popular, the hectare is distinctively metric. It’s widely used in countries including Australia, Burma, Canada, the European Union, India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Different regions have their unique terms for hectares, such as manzana in Argentina, bunder in the Netherlands, gong qing in China, and jerib in Iran.

4. Acre

An acre, one of the oldest land measurement units, originated from the imperial system. It’s defined as an area one furlong long by four rods wide, which can be any shape as long as the total area does not exceed 43,560 square feet. Acres are commonly used in real estate, especially in countries with historical ties to the British Empire.

5. Bigha

Bigha is a traditional unit of land measurement used in several North Indian states, including Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Uttarakhand. The value of a bigha varies by region. In Rajasthan and parts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar, pakka bigha is common, while kuchha bigha was traditionally used by landlords in tenant dealings.

Land Conversion Table

Conversion Table
From Unit To Unit Conversion
Square FeetSqft to Sqm1 Sqft = 0.092903 Sqm
Square FeetSqft to Gaj1 Sqft = 0.111111 Gaj
Square FeetSqft to Acre1 Sqft = 2.2957e-5 Acre
Square FeetSqft to Sq Yard1 Sqft = 0.111111 Sq Yard
Square FeetSqft to Cent1 Sqft = 0.0022957 Cent
Square MeterSqm to Sqft1 Sqm = 10.7639 Sqft
Square MeterSqm to Gaj1 Sqm = 1.19599 Gaj
Square MeterSqm to Acre1 Sqm = 0.000247105 Acre
Square MeterSqm to Hectare1 Sqm = 0.0001 Hectare
Square MeterSqm to Cent1 Sqm = 0.0247105 Cent
AcreAcre to Hectare1 Acre = 0.404686 Hectare
AcreAcre to Sqm1 Acre = 4046.86 Sqm
AcreAcre to Sqft1 Acre = 43560 Sqft
AcreAcre to Bigha1 Acre = 1.6 Bigha (varies by region)
AcreAcre to Cent1 Acre = 100 Cent
HectareHectare to Sqm1 Hectare = 10000 Sqm
HectareHectare to Sqft1 Hectare = 107639 Sqft
HectareHectare to Acre1 Hectare = 2.47105 Acre
HectareHectare to Bigha1 Hectare = 3.9537 Bigha (varies by region)
HectareHectare to Cent1 Hectare = 247.105 Cent
GajGaj to Sqm1 Gaj = 0.836127 Sqm
GajGaj to Sqft1 Gaj = 9 Sqft
GajGaj to Bigha1 Gaj = 0.0001337 Bigha (varies by region)
GajGaj to Sq Yard1 Gaj = 0.111111 Sq Yard
GajGaj to Biswa1 Gaj = 0.0033445 Biswa (varies by region)
BighaBigha to Sqft1 Bigha = 14400 Sqft (varies by region)
BighaBigha to Gaj1 Bigha = 1600 Gaj (varies by region)
BighaBigha to Acre1 Bigha = 0.3306 Acre (varies by region)
BighaBigha to Hectare1 Bigha = 0.1337 Hectare (varies by region)
BighaBigha to Katha1 Bigha = 20 Katha (varies by region)
Sq YardSq Yard to Sqft1 Sq Yard = 9 Sqft
Sq YardSq Yard to Sqm1 Sq Yard = 0.836127 Sqm
Sq YardSq Yard to Acre1 Sq Yard = 0.000206612 Acre
Sq YardSq Yard to Gaj1 Sq Yard = 1 Gaj
Sq YardSq Yard to Cent1 Sq Yard = 0.0206612 Cent
CentCent to Sqft1 Cent = 435.6 Sqft
CentCent to Sqm1 Cent = 40.4686 Sqm
CentCent to Acre1 Cent = 0.01 Acre
CentCent to Hectare1 Cent = 0.00404686 Hectare
CentCent to Sq Yard1 Cent = 48.4 Sq Yard
KathaKatha to Sqft1 Katha = 1361.25 Sqft (varies by region)
KathaKatha to Gaj1 Katha = 151.25 Gaj (varies by region)
KathaKatha to Acre1 Katha = 0.03125 Acre (varies by region)
KathaKatha to Bigha1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha (varies by region)
KathaKatha to Decimal1 Katha = 6.25 Decimal (varies by region)
GunthaGuntha to Sqft1 Guntha = 1089 Sqft
GunthaGuntha to Sqm1 Guntha = 101.17 Sqm
GunthaGuntha to Acre1 Guntha = 0.025 Acre
GunthaGuntha to Bigha1 Guntha = 0.08 Bigha (varies by region)
GunthaGuntha to Katha1 Guntha = 1.611 Katha (varies by region)
MeterMeter to Feet1 Meter = 3.28084 Feet
FeetFeet to Meter1 Feet = 0.3048 Meter
InchesInches to CM1 Inch = 2.54 CM
MMMM to Inches1 MM = 0.0393701 Inch
CMCM to Feet1 CM = 0.0328084 Feet
InchesInches to Feet1 Inch = 0.0833333 Feet
InchesInches to MM1 Inch = 25.4 MM
FeetFeet to CM1 Feet = 30.48 CM
CMCM to Inches1 CM = 0.393701 Inch
Cubic FeetCubic Feet to Cubic Meter1 Cubic Feet = 0.0283168 Cubic Meter
MeterMeter to CM1 Meter = 100 CM
MeterMeter to Inches1 Meter = 39.3701 Inches
MMMM to CM1 MM = 0.1 CM

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